What Is RCR Risk in a Supply Chain?

This supply chain risk dimension covers reputational, criminal, and regulatory (RCR) risks across the supplier ecosystem.
RCR risk is one of seven dimensions of risk in Exiger’s risk-scoring model for third-party relationship management (TPRM) and supply chain risk management (SCRM).
Maintaining regulatory compliance across fragmented jurisdictions and through a wave of new compliance legislation, regulations and policies that govern how companies manage suppliers, supply chains and customers, has become incredibly challenging. Regulatory compliance failures can lead to fines, penalties or criminal prosecution and can be damaging to a company’s brand.
Brand reputation is a company’s most valuable asset. Companies with strong brand reputation consistently outperform their competitors’ financial performance with superior sales, increased customer loyalty, and top talent retention. The stakes are high as brand reputation can be damaged by a single event within a supplier ecosystem. Whether or not these risks stem from your own operations or those of your supply chain, the impact to your reputation, brand and bottom line will ultimately be the same.
Regulatory and criminal risks within the supplier ecosystem may cause unnecessary additional costs due to disruptions in the production line, delays due to the confiscation of goods or even fines — all of which culminate in a loss of market share and negative impact to reputation. This includes assessing risk in a supplier ecosystem as well as the entity’s Ultimate Beneficial Owner.
To protect reputation and navigate complex regulatory requirements, Exiger has developed a solution to monitor reputational, criminal, and regulatory (RCR) impact across the supplier ecosystem. Exiger’s solution brings together corporate, biographical, product, operations, ownership, and supplier data to identify the network and layers on risk scoring that includes categories below. Our AI-driven solution helps to satisfy regulatory requirements while also providing a real-time view into issues that may damage a company’s most valuable asset: its brand.

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