My Exiger Experience: Rishika Lama Tamang

My Ex2 | Article | Exiger WINs

The future of innovation depends on all of us, and gender equality can’t wait.

That’s why for the fourth year, Exiger WINs (Women’s Initiative Networks) was thrilled to partner with Cornell Tech’s Break Through Tech Winternship program.

Rishika Lama Tamang was one of two talented young women who joined us to accelerate her future in tech. To learn more about how we’re working to close the gender gap, read on for Rishika’s Exiger Experience:

Why Exiger Works for Me

  • The opportunity: I signed up for the Wintership program to help build my confidence, gain a better understanding of the professional setting, and guide my next steps after graduation. I was really eager and excited to learn about Exiger’s approach to financial crime compliance and get trained on the leading technologies used today to fight financial crimes.
  • The experience: During my time at Exiger, I worked on Exiger’s AI-powered automated technology, DDIQ, where I helped build out ESG capabilities into the Automated Due Diligence platform. By helping to improve DDIQ’s capabilities on important ESG-related events, I felt like I was really helping bring a positive impact to our society. I also had the opportunity to meet a number of professionals from differentt business areas at Exiger and learned so much about risk and compliance by hearing about their roles.
  • Looking ahead: I was very fortunate to work alongside my amazing fellow interns (now sisters) and form a good bond with our supervisors who guided us and provided their support throughout this exciting and challenging 3 week-long journey. Both my sisters and supervisors, along with people we met, taught me valuable lessons – inspiring me to always ask questions and allowing me to express myself creatively and through my work. Moving forward, I am most excited to take my learnings from this opportunity and apply them to creating my own career path.

About Cornell Tech’s Break Through Tech Winternship Program

The Winternship program is a paid, three-week, mini-internship experience for CUNY students who are interested in pursuing a career in tech. This immersive experience in January exposes students to job opportunities in tech while helping them to build a strong resume, a larger community of CUNY students, and a professional network.

About Exiger WINs (Women’s Initiative Networks)

Exiger WINs is committed to attracting, promoting, and retaining top female talent. Exiger’s biggest asset is our people, and we believe that raising awareness of the challenges facing women in the workplace while driving female leadership is critical to our success. Exiger WINs focuses on three specific areas that help us raise the bar on female professional leadership and representation – programming and events that: foster employee relationships and mentorships, close the gender gap for women in technology and encourage corporate policies that support families.


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