My Exiger Experience: Shaina Lowenthal, Wintern

Exiger WINs

Shaina Lowenthal joined us at Exiger this past January as a part of WiTNY’s Winternship program, in which companies provide real life experience to young women interested in developing a career in the tech industry. In the course of three weeks, we got to know her better as she and four other candidates learned about our business and completed a project on Data Analytics. 

Why Exiger Works for Me

  • The opportunity: I first heard about WiTNY through my school, Hunter College, where the organization is extremely popular among women Computer Science students. In my Introduction to Computer Science class, the Professor informed us about the program’s Winternship opportunity. After that, I became increasingly interested in a potential career in technology. As a second-time participant in the Winternship experience, I was excited to work with Exiger and to learn about the company’s impact on financial crime. At Exiger, I feel fortunate to learn from different employees and to hear about their experiences in the field. I am grateful to Exiger for their dedication, consistency, and warmth. I am excited to utilize this newfound knowledge in the future!
  • The experience: At Exiger, we have defined, assessed and analyzed different aspects of risk; learning more about this helped me understand Exiger’s goal and mission. Prior to this, I was not aware of the different professional sectors within the Computer Science field and the impact they have. Meeting marketing and business representatives, product managers and developers, data scientists and Chairman Mike C., has given me a deep appreciation for Exiger’s expansive work. Now, I have a better understanding of Exiger’s role in the process of risk and compliance management. The peak of these last few weeks has been practicing the role of a Data Scientist. Guided by Melika, we have learned new Data Science techniques in order to highlight patterns in data collected from DDIQ. This experience has taught me many valuable skills. Most of all, I take the received professional advice as my greatest asset: “Bet on yourself,” “be flexible” and “follow your curiosities!”
  • Looking ahead: Before my time at Exiger, I hadn’t considered working in the data science or compliance fields. However, these three weeks have challenged me to consider the possibilities of my various intersecting interests. I think it is an exciting time to be working in data science, and I look forward to contributing to the field. I will take with me these important connections as foundational support for my future endeavors. To the Exiger team — I appreciate your time, and I look forward to staying connected!

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