Never the Same: Business After the War in Ukraine

Podcast | Media

A 5-Part Podcast Series Hosted by Tom Fox Featuring Brandon Daniels

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the world of business will never be the same again. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco recently said that the world’s “geopolitical landscape is more challenging and complex than ever. The most prominent example is of course Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” It is “nothing less than a fundamental challenge to international norms, sovereignty and the rule of law that underpins our society.” This is even more so in the current business climate. Over this five-part podcast series, Compliance Podcast Network founder Tom Fox and Exiger CEO Brandon Daniels consider how the business will never again be the same and how a confluence of events has changed business forever.

Part 01: Supply Chains Will Never Be The Same

Episode also available on Compliance Podcast Network and YouTube

Highlights include:

  • How the pandemic sped up changes in the Supply Chain which cumulated with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
  • How US trade competition with China impacted the Supply Chain.
  • The ethical requirement to support democracy, democratic institutions and democratic countries has impacted the Supply Chain.
  • The national security risks and implications in the Supply Chain.
  • What is the role of compliance in addressing these new risks, challenges and opportunities?

For more on this episode, read Tom’s blog post here.

Part 02: Sanctions Will Never Be The Same

Episode also available on Compliance Podcast Network and YouTube

Highlights include:

  • Sanctions have changed forever.
  • Economic sanctions should include a comprehensive set of trade policies.
  • Potential damage from state and non-state actors includes corporate espionage, intelligence gathering and economic disruption.
  • Legislative and regulatory responses.
  • How the rise in whistleblower provisions has fueled sanctions and asset seizures.

For more on this episode, read Tom’s blog post here.

Part 03: Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Will Never Be The Same

Episode also available on Compliance Podcast Network and YouTube

Highlights include:

  • The Biden Administration Strategy on Combatting Corruption.
  • Bribery and corruption are never stand-alone offenses.
  • Corruption as a national defense issue.
  • Corruption is used by dictators and strongmen to spread disinformation and destroy democracy.
  • Modern slavery as a corruption issue.

For more on this episode, read Tom’s blog post here.

Part 04: Cyber Security Will Never Be The Same

Episode also available on Compliance Podcast Network and YouTube

Highlights include:

  • Russian invasion made the nature of cyber-security risk explicit.
  • Now continuous non-kinetic warfare.
  • Cyber-security is interconnected to commerce.
  • Quadrant analysis for risk assessment.
  • Jurisdiction risk introduces the where equation.

For more on this episode, read Tom’s blog post here.

Part 05: ESG Will Never Be The Same

Episode also available on Compliance Podcast Network and YouTube

Highlights include:

  • Why companies must have a holistic approach to ESG.
  • How reputational damage is a top-line expense.
  • Why ESG must be managed proactively.
  • Asking the question “Do your corporate ethical values stand for freedom and democracy or something less?”

For more on this episode, read Tom’s blog post here.

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