Virtual Women’s Economic Empowerment TechSprint and Conference

Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) TechSprints are events that bring together participants from across and outside of financial services to develop technology based ideas or proof of concepts to address specific industry challenges. These events help us to shine a light on issues and expand the discussion and awareness of potential solutions.

The FCA is hosting a 4-day virtual TechSprint bringing together teams of majority female regulatory, technology, data and financial services experts. The aim will be to find solutions to issues that are being made worse by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic or where women are being disproportionately affected. This TechSprint aims to empower women by exploring innovation to increase women’s financial inclusion, resilience and access. 

Exiger’s Jariya Laoriendee and Nina Ryan will be joining fellow female talent within technology, data and financial services sectors, as well as the leaders and champions who advocate for vulnerable women every day.

FCA TechSprint teams will demo their solutions to a panel of expert judges during the Women’s Economic Empowerment TechSprint Conference. With just four minutes each to impress the judges it’s sure to be a fast paced and exciting session.

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