Exiger’s Bob Kolasky to Speak at IIB Information Security & Operational Resilience Conference


Tuesday, June 28th, 2022 | New York City

Exiger is proud to sponsor and speak at IIB’s Annual Information Security & Operational Resilience Conference, where experts will address the latest regulatory developments, supervisory expectations, and current threats — particularly in light of the heightened industry alerts given the evolving geopolitical climate.

Exiger’s Bob Kolasky will be moderating the following panel:

How Well Do You Really Know Your Counterparty?

Tuesday, June 28th | 4:00 – 4:50 PM ET

Learn how regulatory and supervisory expectations for policies, procedures, and defensive technical capabilities are evolving for cybersecurity, third-party risk, and supply chain risk management.

  • Bob Kolasky, Senior Vice President for Critical Infrastructure, Exiger
  • Krista Ellis, Managing Director & Counsel, Credit Agricole
  • Mark Chorazak,  Partner, Global Financial Institutions Advisory & Financial Regulatory Practice, Shearman & Sterling, LLP
  • Mark Dreszler, Head, Cyber Technology & Third- Party Risk Management, Royal Bank of Canada

Please note: Online registration is available until June 21st, 2022

About IIB

Founded in 1966, the IIB is the only national association devoted exclusively to representing and advancing the interests of internationally-headquartered financial institutions operating in the United States. Its membership is comprised of internationally-headquartered institutions from approximately 38 countries around the world. Collectively, the U.S. operations of the IIB’s member banks are an important source of credit for U.S. borrowers and enhance the depth and liquidity of U.S. financial markets. IIB member banks also inject billions of dollars each year into state and local economies across the country through the direct employment of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, as well as through other operating and capital expenditures.

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