Samar Pratt to Moderate Session at AMLP Forum Seminar


Wednesday, April 27th – Thursday, April 28th | Exchange House & Online | London

Exiger is looking forward to attending and participating in AMLP Forum‘s 18th annual UK AML & Financial Crime Seminar in London, UK. This cross-industry, in-person and virtual seminar gathers leading stakeholders to examine the latest strategies and solutions in the area of AML and financial crime. We will be discussing topics such as:

  • New UK Economic Crime Plan –  national priorities including private sector information sharing, fraud action plan & stepping up oversight of payments and virtual currencies
  • The FCA’s supervisory priorities 2022
  • Post-brexit economic sanctions strategies updates
  • Emerging CDD/KYC & client lifecycle management strategies
  • Building up an effective 1st and 2nd line of defense in effective risk management
  • Environmental & wildlife crime
  • Law enforcement on filling meaningful SARs, PPP & information sharing

Exiger Managing Director Samar Pratt will be moderating Companies House Director of Policy, Strategy and Planning Martin Swain in the following session on improving the accuracy and integrity of the Public Register:

Improving the Integrity of the Public Register and Integrating the New Register of Overseas Entities

Thursday, April 28 | 13:30 GMT

View Complete Seminar Agenda

About AMLP Forum

Founded in 2001, the AMLP Forum is a cross-industry association of AML, anti-corruption and financial crime prevention professionals. They represent the industry voice to policymakers, governments, and law enforcement.

 AMLP Forum’s Key priorities:

  • A peer-to-peer forum to share knowledge as well as strategies, compliance practices, and a culture of integrity
  • A support platform to advance the ongoing professional development of our members
  • Continuous cutting-edge professional resources, guidance, and updates
  • Training & specialised courses on topical issues to facilitate effective financial crime risk management
  • Enhancing regulatory and law enforcement dialogue with a focus on an effective approach to combating financial crime
  • Promoting public-private partnership to help improve the global response to the threat from financial crime
  • Supporting members operating in or dealing with emerging countries

AMLP Forum members pride themselves on being ethical and knowledgeable professionals, dedicated to best practices compliance, and being at the forefront of financial crime prevention.


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