Samar Pratt to Lead Panel at AML & Financial Crime Conference

Speaker | Event

Exiger Joins the 16th Annual European AML & Financial Crime Conference as a Gold Sponsor

This event brings together leading stakeholders to examine the latest strategies and practical measures to combat ML/TF & financial crime. It provides an excellent opportunity to learn about recent AML/CTF international regulatory and legislative changes, best implementation practices, and share knowledge and solutions with professionals from UK, Europe and further afield.

Key Topics 2022

  • FATF priorities under the new presidency and ensuing guidance
  • Strengthening AML/CTF resilience in the EU – balancing current EU AML/CTF framework with new rules & oversight
  • Addressing the greatest financial crime & geopolitical challenges in 2022 –  an industry perspective
  • Future proofing your compliance programme – expanding role of risk appetite, RBA & reputational risk management
  • Push for transparency on suspect Russian funds hidden in complex legal structures & TCSPs – key points for your CDD/KYC, direct or indirect ownership or control
  • Navigating the changing sanctions landscape and interplay with kleptocracy & global efforts to target oligarch assets
  • Clamping down on emerging cross-regional transnational crimes – addressing new threats & decentralized finance
  • Top innovative ways to detect & disrupt ML/TF & financial crime via transaction monitoring, investigations & reporting
  • CDD/KYC risk management evolution through an effective RBA, efficient 1st & 2nd line of defence, perpetual KYC, holistic approach to financial crime, data & digitalisation

Join Exiger’s Samar Pratt for the following panel:

Balancing local and international standards in AML/CTF, ESG, sanctions & financial crime across the enterprise –
Taking forward an effective global anti-financial crime compliance programme

November 16th | 13:30 – 14:30 BST | Main Hall, Merchant Taylor’s Hall, London


To view the full programme, please click here.


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